massagemessage Public Profile Manual

Manual page describing the public profile page


Author UsernameN

~1 min read,


There are 6 sections of the public profile page to be described: Follow/Recommend/Favorite Buttons, Articles Section, Organizations Section, Series Section, Tags Sections, Recommendations Section

Follow/Recommend/Favorite Buttons

Follow, Recommend, Favorite Buttons circle in red

Buttons near the top allowing the user to follow/unfollow, recommend/unrecommend, and favorite/unfavorite the profile.

Articles Section

User Articles Section

Displays a list of the user's articles that show basic information. More information of the article can be viewed from the info button.

Article Quick Find

Article quick find is a simple layout designed to easily find and view desired article.

Organizations Sections

Organizations Section

Organizations section display containers of each organization the user is apart of. Each container displays the number of subscribers, founding data, number of articles, and lists the founders and contributors. The quick find is the same as the article quick find but with organizations instead.

Series Section

Series Section

Series section displays each series the profile has created. Each series container shows its name, organization, and list of ordered articles. There is also a quick find that is the same as articles and organization but for series.

Tags Section

Tags Section

Tags section displays the tags the user uses. Each tag container shows its name and list of articles using the tag. The quick find operates like the others except for with tags.

Recommendations Section

Recommendations Section

Recommendations section show the profiles, articles, and organizations the profile recommends. It displays the same quick find as the others for each of its three recommendation sections.



Author Recommendations




Hopes for massagemessage

Hopes might be too strong of a word, so instead reasoning for creating a website that will rarely get views and most definitely never take off.



