massagemessage Article Manual

Manual page describing the article page


Author UsernameN

~3 min read,


The sections to the article page: Article Text, Table of Contents, Notes and Footnotes, Bottom Menu Bar, Navigation Bar, Comments Section, Author Recommendation Section.

Article Text

Article Text along with Table of Contents and Side Note.

Article text is the middle area, obviously. Displays title, subtitle, author display name and username, how long of a read it is, and the most recent publish time (if published more than once than it will display the initial publish time alongside the recent publish time).

Table of Contents

Table of contents is on the left, each entry can be click to bring the article to the line it corresponds to. As the article is scrolled, the table of contents header will change to show which section the article is currently in. Table of contents can be hidden by clicking on the header.

Notes and Footnotes

Notes are on the right side, each note is horizontally aligned with the note marker in the text. The footnotes are at the bottom and each footnote has a corresponding side note that it will move the article to when the footnote is clicked. Clicking on the notes header will hide the sidenotes.

Bottom Menu Bar

Bottom Menu Bar

Bottom menu bar has two areas, the left containing article info and the middle contain user article functions.

The left container starts with an info button listing: the organization article belongs to (if any), the total words in the article, and a timer used to show the reader how long until they "finished" the article or if they have already finished it. The middle button displays the the series the article is a part of and only appears if it is in fact part of a series. The last one shows links to the published version of the article and their dates.

Middle button bar has upvote/downvote and show the totals votes. It displays the total article comments and when clicked will scroll the page down to the comment section. The last part is a menu that allows for the user to save article, follow/unfollow author, and recommend/unrecommend author. This menu is not functional until the user has "finished" reading the article.

Navigation Bar

Navigation Bar circled on the far right

Navigation bar operates based on user scroll position on page.

When on the article itself, the double up arrows move article to start, single up arrow scrolls up table of content row, single down arrays scrolls down table of content row, double down arrow brings to end of article.

When on the comment section, double up brings to top of comments, single up moves up one comment from previously selected comment, single down moves down one come from previously selected comment, double down brings to end of comments.

Comments Section

Comments and Author Recommendations sections

At the top of the comments section is the make comment input.

The middle area shows the article comments. The two display formats are thread format which is like more current social media comments are layered, initial comment can be responded to and such but all appears under the initial comment in a "tree" and the flat comment format where there are no set trees, comments are all on equal level similar to forums of the old. For thread format the comments can be sorted by random, best, new, old, upvoted, polarizing, and responses. Flat format can only be sort by new and old.

The comment itself container has upvotes/downvotes, total net votes, reply, save, view comment tree, and if there are responses (shows direct responses total alongside total responses), a section asking to load the direction responses.

Author Recommendation Section

Author recommendation section is a small section for the author to "contribute" to the reader. Presumably if they like that author's article, then they might have similar taste and so the author recommendation section shows the profiles, articles, and organizations the author recommends.



Author Recommendations




Hopes for massagemessage

Hopes might be too strong of a word, so instead reasoning for creating a website that will rarely get views and most definitely never take off.



