massagemessage Organizations Manual
Manual page describing the Organizations page
There are 5 sections to the organizations page: Follow/Recommend/Favorites Buttons, Articles Section, Series Section, Members Section, Member Settings
Subscribe/Recommend/Favorites/Settings Buttons

Follow, Recommend, Favorite, and Member Settings buttons circled in red
Buttons along the top allow for the user to subscribe/unsubscribe, recommend/unrecommend, favorite/unfavorite the organization. If the user is apart of the organization, then the settings button will appear.
Articles Section

Organization Articles Section
Articles section displays the articles in time order (most recent). Each article shows basic information with the option to view more with the info button. The star button saves the article and view brings the user to the article page.

Article Quick Find
Article quick find section simple display to easily find and view desired article.
Series Section

Series Section
Series section show series apart of the organization. Each series container displays series name, series author, and list of series articles. The quick find is the same as the article quick find but with series.
Members Section

Members Section displays both founders and contributors
Members section shows the founders and the contributors along with the articles the contributor has within the organization.
Member Settings
The two member settings are Founder and Contributor settings.

Founder Settings
Founder settings allows for the sending and cancelling of invites to users.

Contributor Settings
Contributor Settings allows for the user to leave the organization.
Author Recommendations