massagemessage User Profile Manual
Manual page describing the user profile page
There are 5 sections to user profile page: Profile, Articles, Organizations, Saved, and History. Each section contains subsections pertaining to it.
Profile has two sections: Profile and Recommendations.

Initial Profile Section
Simple profile page that allows for displayname, email, and password to be changed. Username cannot be changed.

Profile Recommendations Section
Recommendations of profile, separated into users, articles, and organizations.
Articles has four sections: Articles, Series, Tags, and Quick Find.

Articles Initial Section
List of user articles, each with an info section containing pertinent information. View link goes to the published view article page (if not published then redirects to home). Edit brings the the article editor page.

Article Series Section
Article series section show the list of series of user. The series containers can show/hide its article and can remove articles from the series as well as change the order of the articles.

Tags Section
Article tags page operates similarly to the series page. Only difference is that there is no reorder of tag articles, only removing of the tag from articles.

Article Quick Find Section
Article quick find is a very simple and minimal layout intended to "quick find" the desired article.
Organization has five sections: Contributor, Subscriber, Quick Find, Invites, and Create.

Organization Initial Section
Contributor section lists the organization the user is a part of. The organization container lists the amount of subscribers, when it was founded, the amount of articles, as well as the founder and members of the organization.

Subscriber Section
Subscriber section is the same as the contributor section except it lists the organizations to user is subscribed to instead of contributing to.

Organization Quick Find Section
Organization quick find looks and functions the exact same as the articles quick find section except for organizations instead of articles, and allows for switch between contributor/subscriber.

Organization Invites Section
Organization invites lists the organizations the user is invited to and allows the user to accept/decline the invite.

Organization Create Section
Organization create is self-explanatory, it allows for the user to create an organization. Only caveat is that the organization name must be unique and be between 3-32 characters.
Saved has three sections: saved articles, saved comments, and quick find.

Saved Inital Section
Saved articles operates and displays the exact same as the user articles except with added options to follow/unfollow to user/organizations of the saved article.

Saved Comments Section
Saved comments shows list of saved comments and allows to view article, vote on comment, unsave/resave, and view the comment tree (with the comment being the top of the tree).
Saved quick find operates the same as the other quick finds except its options are to go to the article (article comment is for) or the author.
History has three sections: Articles, Profiles, and Organizations. Each section lists the last 25 unique visits.

History Initial Section
Articles Section lists the last 25 unique articles the user has visited. The article info is the same as the saved article ones.

History Profiles Section
Profile is a quick find equivalent listing the display name and username and allows to view the profile.
Organizations is the exact same as Profile but with organizations instead.
Table of Contents
Author Recommendations